The Second Smartest Thing

The second smartest thing I’ve done in my life was to record my childrens’ words — those funny, profound or egocentric things that pop out of their mouths between the ages of two and eight years.

Let’s all have privacy together!”

R, age 2.5

There’s something special about that fleeting six year period when kids have a seemingly endless stream of innocent questions and astute observations as they strive to make sense of their worlds.

Daddy, how come those sprinklers are going and nobody’s playing in them?

A, age 4.5

Mommy, what does Leah eat out of you?

A, age 4.5

Melissa and I preserve our children’s words in two journal style books, packed with almost 400 quotes, and peppered with holiday memories.  Each entry is date-stamped so we know the age of the utterance and it’s creator.

Daddy, go get the book … I think I’m going to say something!

R, age 3.5

This irreplaceable treasure will be one of the first things we grab if the house ever catches on fire.

At Alexandra’s house you don’t have to push a button to open the garage — you can just shove it up.  It’s a lot more easier.

R, age 4

Younger kids never get tired of hearing their own words reflected back to them.  They take pride in their own accidental profundity.  Even now, years later, we’ll inject some selected content into our time around the dinner table.  Within seconds, we’re all laughing — some in tears and some even running to the bathroom.

Pointing to his piece of bacon, “Daddy, are these made out of pigs?”

A, age 4

It doesn’t take much to trigger a quote.  Common threads in our collection include food, bodies, nature, pets, God, siblings and growing up.  Like I said, it doesn’t take much, so you’d better be ready.

Daddy, once I broke a curled up worm and it was a tube.

A, age 4.5

If you are just starting a family, think about preserving those spontaneous gems that pop out of your precious children’s mouths.  If you know another young family, then maybe share this post with them.

Leah, isn’t this great?  Having a daddy-daughter drive and spending all this time together?

Leah: “I like Mommy.”

L, age 3

Hmmm.  Well, that leads me to the smartest thing I’ve done in my life — marrying my wife, Melissa.  Without her, there would be no quotes. God gives us the wives we need.

Now go, listen and start writing before you miss something.

Blessings on your home,

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