Everyman’s Guide to Woke Terminology

The left thrives by keeping Americans divided, dependent and angry.”

Daily Signal

For some of my more sensitive or battle-weary readers, this piece will seem like a bit of a rant. As I mentioned in my original blog article, “The Road Ahead“, anything that affects the family is fair game and important. Sadly, many life categories have been wrongly politicised by the left — marriage, sexuality, gender and health care to name just four.

Since some words no longer mean what they used to, and some commonly-used expressions can be misleading, I wanted to shine some light on a number of deceptive terms embraced by the left.

Black Lives Matter:  A Marxist, anti-family, and anti-law-and-order terrorist organisation. While it has a pleasant-sounding name, BLM seems intent upon destabilising the family, destabilising communities, and destabilising the country. Please don’t confuse it with a civil rights organisation. It is not. Every life is precious to God, so all lives matter.

Climate Change:  A manufactured crisis. Weather changes, but has any evidence yet surfaced that climate does? A growing number of Ph.D’s consider the “climate change” movement a cult, given its level of hysteria, combined with a curious lack of evidence to support its implausible claims.

COVID 19:  Also known as the China Flu or the CCP Virus. A perfectly-timed seasonal flu for whipping up irrational fear, and opening the door to liberty-stealing government overreach.

De-platformed:  Censored. (Censorship is often a sign of fear and weakness.)

Disinformation:  Truth or facts.

Diversity & Inclusion:  Run the other way if you see both of these words in the same sentence! Neither is a virtue, but together they become dangerously deceptive dance partners. If a company supports “diversity and inclusion”, don’t support the company.

Equity: Socialist control.

Fact-Checkers:  Censors. Leftist opinion-promoters.

Fetus: A depersonalising noun. More correctly, a precious baby girl or boy. An endangered species in many jurisdictions, especially poor black neighbourhoods where abortion mills proliferate. Black Pre-Born Lives matter too.

“Follow the science”:  Follow our politically-motivated falsehoods.

Gender-Affirming Care: Polar opposite of what is true. Gender-denying chemical and surgical mutilation is perhaps the highest form of child abuse, and hopefully one day butchering doctors will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Gun Control:  Firearms confiscation.

Hate Speech:  Name calling, often accompanied by censorship. Any communication in opposition to the left’s narratives qualifies. Can truth ever be hate speech?

Health Care:  Misnomer. Central control over peoples’ personal care and private information.

Homophobic:  More name calling. Designed to shut down conversation or shame anyone in favour of clinically-healthy and biblically-affirmed sexual behaviour, or opposed to counterfeit marriage. Ignore.

Human Rights:  LGBT special rights is often what’s beneath this term when used by the left. Should lists of legitimate human rights ever include learned bedroom behaviour, aberrant or otherwise? I think not.

IdentityBehaviour, when used by the left.

Immigration:  Free flow of future lefty voters across borders regardless of merit or intention.

Insurrection:  A mostly peaceful protest.

Mask: A symbol of submission to leftist government tyranny. Do not comply. Commit to never wearing one ever again, anywhere. Like ever.

Misinformation:  Truth or facts.

Mostly Peaceful Protest:  Out-of-control mob violence, Antifa-style.

My body, my choice!”:  When a woman says this, it is sometimes referring to another unique and precious baby body within the woman’s own body. That makes two unique bodies, two unique sets of DNA, and only one is hers.

“Our algorithm shows …”: Big Tech speak for censored. (Censorship is often a sign of fear and weakness.)

Parents:  Pesky opposite gender obstacles who stand in the way of indoctrinating the next generation in government schools, or who oppose the mutilation of children by predatory castrating doctors.

Patriarchy:  Household rightly headed by a husband and father whose love is demonstrated by how he lives.

Pride:  Affinity group theme of those who struggle with same-sex attraction or gender confusion.

Progressivism: Embraced Marxism.

Racist:  Name-calling. A desperate attempt at race-baiting or dividing people, designed to shut down conversation or action. I think folks are getting really tired of this one.

Sexual Orientation:  A politically-manufactured term that “air brushes” deviant, unnatural and unhealthy sexual behaviour.  Not so much an “orientation”, as it is a highly-treatable developmental gender disorder. Lot’s of clinical history on this subject before activists took over the APA.

Science Leftist political science, not to be confused with the misplaced empirical variety.

Terrorists:  Name-calling. Mothers and fathers who are highly-invested in their children, and who are increasingly holding school boards accountable for their Woke idiocy.

They: Third person plural pronoun. Grammatically incorrect when used in lieu of he or she. There is no English third person singular neutral pronoun, because there are no non-male or non-female humans. God designed gender in only two varieties, and both are fixed for life. Vive la difference!

Threat to Democracy: Glenn Beck nailed it when he said, “The left doesn’t care about democracy. It only cares about controlling the vote.”

Tolerance: A one-way-only virtue of the left. They want you to tolerate their peculiar ideas, but have no time to listen to reason. Until recent years, tolerance meant honouring the immutable aspects of personhood, but now the left is twisting the meaning to include any beliefs and all behaviours, especially sexual behaviour. Don’t feel guilty. It’s okay to be intolerant, because some things are just stupid.

Trans Woman:  A gender-confused human male who may or may not have undergone surgical mutilation and will always remain 100% male in every cell of his body. Compassion and specialised therapy are the best approaches. In the meantime, keep him out of ladies bathrooms and girls’ competitive sports. Please see “Bigger Than Pronouns“.

Trans Dude:  A gender-confused human female who may or may not have undergone surgical mutilation, and will always remain 100% female in every cell of her body. Compassion and therapy are the best solutions.

Undocumented Migrant: An unvetted, illegal, law-breaking and potentially dangerous border-crosser welcomed by the current lefty regime.

“Until it’s safe”:  Never.

Vaccine (COVID):  Experimental injectable substances that are neither safe nor effective, yet are politically pushed by the left. Don’t comply and don’t be coerced. You’ll be healthier as a result.

“Violated our Community Standards”:  Censored. Often articulated by members of “Big Tech”, this would pertain to truth or facts that expose the left’s nutzoid narratives. Always motivated by fear.

Voter Suppression: A lie. Election integrity through voter ID’s to ensure every vote is a legal vote (and to ensure no more cheating next time around.)

White Supremacist:  Name-calling. Applies to Messiah-followers, Christ-followers, Christians, Conservative Jews or anyone of any faith wanting to do the right thing for the right reason.

What have I forgotten?

Blessings on your homes,

3 thoughts on “Everyman’s Guide to Woke Terminology”

  1. Well, this is one of the most awesome things I’ve read in a long time, and I read a lot! Well done my friend! 👍👍👍👍👍👍

    Sent from my iPad

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