Left Jab

After much consideration, I’m recommending people within my modest sphere of influence take a pass on the controversial “vaccines” that are being pushed by the political left.  Lots of ethical and health rationale listed below.

Before I launch into my reasons, I wanted to pose a question:  Regardless of one’s political perspective, shouldn’t everyone be searching for the truth if we’re thinking of injecting something into our bodies?

1 The largest experiment in human history

Here in the U.S. there are three experimental “vaccines” utilising two genetic-based technologies.  As of this writing, none are FDA licenced and none have received full FDA approval.  There is insufficient testing data for the FDA to render a final approval.  All three have been rushed to market under the Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA).  Inherent in that process is an absence of clinical data to support the lofty expectations of those lined up to voluntarily take the jab.  People are being treated as lab rats. Frankly, I’m not comfortable recommending anyone I care about take an experimental drug for a virus whose punch doesn’t justify the risk.

This is the largest clinical experiment ever conducted on human beings.”

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine

2 Political Coercion

Like irrational masking mandates and destructive lockdowns, why is getting vaccinated pushed primarily by the left?  Can you feel the momentum to make these shots mandatory?  

That won’t work. Let’s be clear — coercion is not allowed under U.S. law for any drug that falls under the EUA.  You can’t be pressured to take experimental drugs. It’s both an ethical and legal issue.  The law requires that medical experimentation be entered into voluntarily and of one’s own free will.

The first step in protecting your rights is knowing them.  I recommend my U.S. blog visitors review their rights by reading Liberty Counsel’s excellent “Memo on COVID Vaccination Mandates”.  It contains information you need to know, and that I’m guessing you won’t hear about on Chicken Noodle News or any of the other state-run propaganda media.

Bottom Line: You can’t be forced to be an experiment.

3 What you don’t know might hurt you

Part of our job is to gather informed consent. With these vaccine trials, they’re not offering informed consent!”

Sarah Absher, Registered Nurse

In the Pharmaceutical industry, disclosure is the law.  You see it in those annoying TV ads for mass-marketed drugs that assert 15 seconds of benefits, followed by 45 agonising seconds of potential side effects and risks, voiced over pleasant life scenes and soothing music.  Even low probability health risks must be disclosed. Well … up until now, that is.

Shockingly, at least until very recently, we haven’t seen that required level of disclosure with these three experimental “vaccines”.

In drug development, a substance is assumed to be toxic until it’s proven not to be toxic … The data bases that are supposed to capture the adverse events are a train wreck.”

Dr. Robert Malone

Instead of full disclosure, some in the medical community have substituted their own “vaccine” talking points, in order to allay fears.  Yet the government and the media continue to misinform you by saying that the vaccines are safe and effective.

4 These “vaccines” may be dangerous to your health

The so-called vaccines were justifiably fast-tracked by the previous administration to address grossly exaggerated risks of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus (COVID 19).  Now that international virus data is known to be similar to, and maybe even less lethal than the seasonal flu, is there a chance that the experimental drugs could potentially be riskier than the virus they were intended to target for some people?

Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine, says that the native spike protein is known to be cito-toxic, and is known to open the blood-brain barrier, and is probably responsible for the blood clotting in the brain already noted in far too many people.

All of the vaccine candidates have problems … all seem to have clotting problems … 99% of the deaths in 2021 (according to VAERS data base) were healthy people just coming in for a COVID shot”.

Dr. Simone Gold, founder of America’s Frontline Doctors

Closer to home, the mother of one of my blog readers had a massive stroke seven hours after receiving the “vaccine” and died five days later.

5 Why do we need riskier experimental vaccines if early treatment works?

We might not.  Apparently over 300 clinical studies now show that early (non-vaccine) treatment works.  Hydroxachloraquine (HCQ) + zinc is clinically documented to be effective when used prophylactically or when used early, even for nursing or pregnant women. A number of international organisations are also raising awareness about the effectiveness of Ivermectin as an inexpensive treatment for COVID-19. The so-called “vaccines” have no such track record.

Parting Thoughts

  • The state doesn’t own your body.  Your private health decisions belong to you and your doctor, and especially you.
  • An experimental “vaccine” cannot be mandated, but that doesn’t mean the Biden administration won’t push that strategy to the limit until stopped by more rational legal means.
  • Even if the FDA fast-tracks one or more approvals under intense political pressure from the left, the public ought to remain leery in view of a lack of medium and long-term safety and efficacy data, combined with a curious shortage of under-reported adverse events.
  • Push back hard on government tyranny.  Both science and the law are being ignored by those pushing hardest for the “vaccines”.  Masks don’t work, lockdowns are problematic, but early treatments of the virus are clinically proven to work.  Some governments are lying to you about all three of these subjects, while Big-Tech continues to censor information that conflicts with the left’s narrative.
  • So sad, but health care decisions are temporarily polluted by politics here in the U.S. The left excels at name-calling, lying, and dividing people, and has proven itself untrustworthy.  Pursue truth and keep standing up for it no matter what. The government has no say in your health care.

The left jab …

Watch out for the left jab.  In the ring, it tends to catch opponents by surprise.  Outside of the turnbuckles, left jabs can hurt many well-meaning but under-informed folks whom they were intended to help.

Make your own informed decision free of coercion, but please get equipped on your legal rights and the scientific facts.

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Blessings on your home,


3 thoughts on “Left Jab”

  1. THANK YOU!!! You are so right. If only people would use common sense and listen to the truth. I have not and will not get the vaccine in spite of the forceful push in the UK. However, my husband took the “jags.” After the second one – he got hit so hard with Parkinson’s Disease that he wound up in the hospital for two days. He is on medication now and recovering…but it is unlikely that he will ever recover totally. Before the second jag, he had just been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and had only a slight shaking in his right hand. Two weeks after the jag – he couldn’t even walk. He still needs help getting in and out of bed.


    1. So sorry to hear about your husband’s situation. I’m hoping he will fully recover in time. Immediately after publishing this post, a pastor friend of mine emailed that his mother had a massive stroke 7 hours after getting the shot, and died 5 days later. Ironic that the experimental drugs seem to be more dangerous than the flu-like virus.


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