Don’t Mess with our Kids!

Many of God’s creatures will put up with a lot of adversity, but when precious offspring are threatened, some parents will defend their young to the death.  Consequences for offenders can involve mauling, bites, missing eyes or ears, or even election loses.

Mothers and fathers in Virginia (USA) rose up and sent a clear message to those on the moral and political left last night — “Don’t even think of messing with our kids!”

How are kids messed with?  What are the parenting issues?

  • Children belong to their parents, not to the government.  Since we (somewhat willingly) participated with God in their miraculous creation, we will release them to the world when the time is right.  Governments have no say in the matter.
  • Mothers and fathers are a child’s first and pre-eminent teachers, to whom all institutional educators must submit.  Parents don’t just have a right to be involved in their children’s education, they sit in the driver’s seat.  If you are arrogating our home, you are messing with our kids.
  • Mothers and fathers, who recognise they are living in a land with an international reputation for unlimited opportunity, equality and freedom, won’t tolerate teachers indoctrinating their children with radically divisive hate for their country, or Marxist race-baiting fluff like “Critical Race Theory”.  If you’ve been given the privilege of teaching, thank you, but please don’t mess with our kids.
  • Mothers and fathers have the final say in matters of moral and physical safety.  If schools allow gender-confused boys into girls washrooms, those policies must change.  Best way to do this is for concerned parents to attend school board meetings and make sure their voices are heard.  Wrong-headed policies that accommodate sexually-deviant behaviours, risk the moral and physical safety of healthy boys and girls.  That’s serious messing.
  • Mothers and fathers must be informed, consulted, their permission clearly sought and given before any potentially harmful drugs (like the so-called COVID experimental “vaccines”), are administered by an institution to their precious children.  What happened this past week in Louisiana with a school administering one of the COVID experimental drugs to a child without parental consent, is a travesty.

If you are messing with our kids in any of these ways, then you are already a predator, which means you’re gonna have to deal with both Mama and Papa Bear. That doesn’t always go well.

So, today, at least in Virginia, marks a significant win for parental rights.  As my neighbour two doors down said, “Let’s just keep it going.”

Here’s a website of an organisation worth checking out:

Please share your comments.  Seriously.  This is important stuff.

You can mess with me, but don’t mess with my kids! Grrr.

Blessings on your home,


Postscript …

Please share this with any Mama Bears you know.

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