Everyman’s Guide to Woke Terminology II

I feel a pressing need to repost an updated version of an article first published in February of 2022. Attacks on the family, especially those against the bodies and minds of our precious and vulnerable children, have escalated in ways few would have ever imagined, even two years ago.  The immoral left has no limits… Continue reading Everyman’s Guide to Woke Terminology II

Everyman’s Guide to Woke Terminology

The left thrives by keeping Americans divided, dependent and angry." Daily Signal For some of my more sensitive or battle-weary readers, this piece will seem like a bit of a rant. As I mentioned in my original blog article, "The Road Ahead", anything that affects the family is fair game and important. Sadly, many life… Continue reading Everyman’s Guide to Woke Terminology

Don’t Mess with our Kids!

Many of God’s creatures will put up with a lot of adversity, but when precious offspring are threatened, some parents will defend their young to the death.  Consequences for offenders can involve mauling, bites, missing eyes or ears, or even election loses. Mothers and fathers in Virginia (USA) rose up and sent a clear message… Continue reading Don’t Mess with our Kids!

Keep on Home Schooling

With so many school-aged children at home these days due to the China virus, I’m hoping many parents will consider continuing to home school their precious sons and daughters after the health risks of the virus have receded.  That’s my goal with this post. Melissa and I home schooled our children for seven years.  We… Continue reading Keep on Home Schooling