Everyman’s Guide to Woke Terminology II

I feel a pressing need to repost an updated version of an article first published in February of 2022. Attacks on the family, especially those against the bodies and minds of our precious and vulnerable children, have escalated in ways few would have ever imagined, even two years ago.  The immoral left has no limits… Continue reading Everyman’s Guide to Woke Terminology II

Everyman’s Guide to Woke Terminology

The left thrives by keeping Americans divided, dependent and angry." Daily Signal For some of my more sensitive or battle-weary readers, this piece will seem like a bit of a rant. As I mentioned in my original blog article, "The Road Ahead", anything that affects the family is fair game and important. Sadly, many life… Continue reading Everyman’s Guide to Woke Terminology

Masking Madness

Re-blogging here to share an encouraging piece by Michelle Malkin. As an individual opposed to wearing a mask anywhere (for lack of any substantive reason to do so), I was pleased to read there’s some progress happening at State levels, where good folks are standing up to Democrat governors and their unconstitutional and blatantly political masking… Continue reading Masking Madness

Fear Not

Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.Rabindranath Tagore Everywhere I go I’m astonished by the level of fear on people’s faces.  Even behind masks, you can see it in people’s eyes. Last week, as I was walking along a sidewalk in front of a grocery store,… Continue reading Fear Not