I Can’t Talk!

When our youngest daughter was eight, she wanted a mouse.  A white mouse.  We already had a pretty good dog, but Leah wanted a mouse. My wife, Melissa, has an aversion to rodents, so you can probably guess who Leah approached to maximise her probability of success. As a management consultant in one of my… Continue reading I Can’t Talk!

Stewing in Juice

(This is Part II of teaching children responsibility through consequences.  This post will make more sense if you first read Part I entitled, “Dogs Can’t Talk”) At the end of our last episode, we left our hero standing on his suburban front lawn, waiting for “the shoe to drop”. Actually, there was no hero —… Continue reading Stewing in Juice

Dogs Can’t Talk

(Part one of a two-part article on responsibility and consequences) A man reaps what he sows. Galatians 6:7b When I was eleven, I accidentally set fire to my parent’s house. Mum and dad had left for work, and I had an hour to kill before school.  Normally that wasn’t a big deal, but on this… Continue reading Dogs Can’t Talk