Sustainable Marriage

How emotionally connected are you to your husband or wife? To help answer this important question, I’m reposting a popular article from 2019, hoping it will be beneficial today for your marriage.  Sometimes timing is everything.  Enjoy. + + + + + + + I met my wife, Melissa, on a cycling trip on the… Continue reading Sustainable Marriage

Round and Round the Barn

I’d do almost anything to help save or strengthen a marriage. From my experience, most distressed husbands and wives who seek marital therapy confess communication challenges.  It’s pretty much ubiquitous.  All of us are broken, and our brokenness has no better stage upon which to play than in a marriage.  Naturally, men and women who… Continue reading Round and Round the Barn

Sustainable Marriage

I met my wife, Melissa, on a cycling trip on the Oregon coast.  I obviously caught her by surprise on our group’s last night together at a Portland restaurant, when I asked for her number.  I used some line that made her smile.  Before the evening was out, she shared her info, and so we… Continue reading Sustainable Marriage